Ecology of Disruption (2024)

    Instrumentation:    percussion, feedback instruments, sensors, and audiovisual processing system

    Dedication:    For Line Upon Line Percussion

    Commission & Awards:    Commissioned by Tetractys New Music

    World Premiere:    Here Be Monsters Festival, RADIO EAST, Austin, Texas, May 26, 2024

    Purchasing information:    Perusal PDF Score: $20; Score and Parts: $120

    Contact:    jasontbuchanan[at]


Ecology of Disruption (2024) for Line Upon Line Percussion was composed in April of 2024 and premiered in late May. A trio for three performers with generative audio and gesturally reactive systems for DSP and live video processing, three custom-built feedback instruments made from metal brackets, springs, and guitar pickups drive a feedback system in software, each output to transducers via volume pedals which the performers operate and control. Hand-worn sensors trigger reservoirs of audio and video samples, in conjunction with the control of various parameters for audiovisual processing and projection. The work further utilizes footage from across the globe of events and political situations which have been recontextualized by technology, such as government-sanctioned killings in Iran, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, occupation and brutality against civilians in Gaza, continued violence and fascism in the post-Trump era, and unending patterns of negligence and greed by corporate and political leaders with regard to the global climate crisis. – Jason Thorpe Buchanan

Performances of Ecology of Disruption

December 23, 2024
IntAct Festival,  Bangkok, Thailand

May 26, 2024
Tetractys,  Austin, Texas